Dear Hedenkamp Families and Students,

We hope you have enjoyed a relaxing and safe summer with your families. On behalf of the Hedenkamp Elementary School staff, we are excited to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! The knowledgeable and dedicated Hedenkamp staff strive to provide dynamic instruction while also focusing on the social, emotional, and physical well-being of students. We will guide and provide your child with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a successful, productive member of society.

Education is a lifelong process, and it is truly an honor to learn and grow with our Hedenkamp community each year. Our students are at the heart of any educational journey, and we are excited to bring many new opportunities for our students to enhance their development of being positive forces in our global community.

We welcome your participation and support this school year. Working together, we will be able to allow our students to reach their potential and celebrate their achievements. Together, as a team, we can have the greatest success as a community. To keep you informed about student learning and school activities, we will send information via our school blog, School Messenger, Class Dojo, or Twitter. Additionally, there will be other opportunities for us to connect through Coffee with the Principal, ELAC, SSC, and PTA. Please be sure to follow our school blog at for the most up-to-date information. Your participation, partnership, and voice are valuable to our Hedenkamp Community.

The staff and we thank you for trusting us with your most precious possession, your child(ren). We take their care, growth, and well-being seriously. We look forward to partnering with you for an eventful and successful school year being a HUSKY!

Remember...Once a Husky, Always a Husky! Yours in education,

Erin Williamson, Principal

Siena Barroso, Associate Principal